September 2021 Newsletter
C.U.R.E. has been here.
From the day of diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond:
The support doesn’t stop when the treatment stops.
And we are so thankful for our friends who make our support possible.
During September check Facebook (@curekidscancerRochester) for frequent LIVE events such as the Mac and Cheese tastings and Instagram (@curekidscancer_)
for weekly takeovers by our C.U.R.E. families. All month we will be highlighting our childhood cancer fighters and hope to shine the “gold” light for awareness.
Spotlight on: Callan
He is 6mo. old, has an older brother 3yrs. old named Tanner and is a very sweet, cheerful and content little guy. At the hospital he likes music therapy, hanging out with the nurses, going to pt gym, and looking out the window.
Callan was diagnosed with AML on December 3, 2020, just over a week after being admitted for fever and neutropenia. He has been through fever/neutropenia before when he was 19 days old for reasons the doctors weren’t quite sure of, but this admission was different because during this one his kidneys were double their normal size and failing. They found that he had AML and it had infiltrated his kidney and liver. He was in the PICU for the 1st round of chemo where he was very sick and had many scary complications. He even ended up having emergency bowel surgery right after Christmas.
Callan is extremely strong and resilient and pulled through despite the odds not being in his favor. He is doing well during his second round of chemo on 7N, where he has become quite popular. We are extremely grateful for the wonderful medical care he has received and the support from C.U.R.E. And other families along the way!
August Parents’ Night Out
October Parents’ Night
Off to the Theatre!
To register, just email Laurie Streb (Program Coordinator) by clicking this link.
Still time to RSVP
Morton Family Fun Day is fun for the whole family - apple picking, horse rides, games and more ….
Donate Blood!
Many of our children depend on blood transfusions and blood products in the course of their treatment. With the recent pandemic, blood drives have been halted. Our children are still in need of blood products. Please consider donating blood if you are well enough to.
YOU can help C.U.R.E. for FREE
1) Follow us on social media:
Facebook page:
Instagram: @curekidscancer
Twitter: @curekidscancer_
(2) Write a review about C.U.R.E. on our Facebook Page or on Google
(3) Write a blog that can be shared on our website.
(4) Contact our Parent Advocate about doing a Facebook Live or Instagram Takeover
(5) “Like”, Share or comment on our posts on social media!
Conquer Cancer in Kids:
make childhood cancer research a priority:
We invite our families and supporters to join CNN’s Rene Marsh as she advocates to make childhood cancer research a priority! Sadly, Rene lost her two year old son, Blake, to brain cancer in April 2021. She is now working with CNN and childhood cancer awareness advocates to make a difference!
To review and sign the petition, click the button below.
GRYT Health connects patients and caregivers to others with shared experience and to information relevant to their journey.
Through the GRYT app, we’ve created a platform for people affected by cancer to connect to others with similar experiences, and to tailored information that helps our users become more aware of options specific to their needs or diagnosis – empowering them to make choices that are right for them.
Our community of patients, survivors, medical professionals, researchers and advocates across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 100 countries worldwide have participated in almost 1,000,000 interactions to date, inspiring people to live according to their own standards.
Trust from our community is paramount to our success and something we take very seriously. We never share any of our users’ information without their explicit permission. Unlike other apps, GRYT is the first social community that is funded, built, and run by patients and caregivers where users communicate anonymously in real-time and each person is 100% in charge of what happens with their data.
Thank you, RDI Diamonds!
We are so appreciative of our friends at RDI Diamonds, especially the Sales Team! They selected our organization to raise money for during the month of July. Our friends pictured, Tracey & Daniel, were the top Sales Earners for the month and presented Laurie with another donation this month! Thank you for thinking of our families!
Check the awareness page on our website for ideas on how you can support C.U.R.E. during the month of September.
Looking for Volunteers!
Our Julie Roberts Children’s Memorial Garden wouldn’t be as beautiful without the TLC from our wonderful volunteers! Sign up for a week to care for our garden this year!
Garden TLC involves weeding, trimming bushes/trees, pruning the garden and watering the garden.
Sign up here.
Join C.U.R.E.’s YPC!
We are re-energizing our YPC (Young Professional Committee)! If you are a Young Professional looking for an opportunity to get involved with C.U.R.E., meet some awesome volunteers and help our families, we would LOVE to have you!
Please reach out to Board Member, Brian Wainwright, to start connecting!
Click me to email!
We want to connect!
If you served on the Board of Directors for C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association, we would love to stay connected! Please email Holly Dutcher to connect!
It is time for the “Liquid Gold Challenge”. Visit these restaurants and order the Mac & Cheese. Each restaurant is donating a portion of that entree to C.U.R.E. and they are competing to see who can sell the most!
Visit the Brunch Website:
Riley Joy Candle Company
Awareness Month Candle Preorder (starting July 1st)!
Preorder your limited edition “Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month” candles so you are ready for September!
This Pumpkin Chai scent is sure to fill your home and your heart. Each 10 oz. candle is $25 with a portion being donated to C.U.R.E.!
If you live in the Rochester area and would like to pick up your order (in North Greece/Hilton), you can do so on September 4th from 10 - 1 (location to be shared upon ordering).
If someone lives out of town, their box will be out within the first half of September thru USPS (tracking number to be shared once shipped).
A $400 donation was made last year. Riley Joy Candle Company’s goal is to surpass that donation this year!
Awareness Month Lawn Signs and Bows!
We are selling Awareness Month lawn signs and bows for September again!
Same design as last year!
Lawn signs are $10/each
Mailbox/Exterior Light Bows are $25/each
You can now return your cans and bottles to Alpco Recycling and Bottle & Can Retrieval Centers! Let them know you’d like to support “C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association” and a donation will be made to us!
Alpco Recycling is located at:
846 Macedon Center Road, Macedon, NY 14502
Bottle & Can Retrieval Centers located at:
509 Spencerport Rd, Rochester
2199 East Henrietta Rd, Rochester
2374 Chili Ave, Rochester
The Support Doesn’t Stop When Treatment Stops…
Because of YOU and your kindness.
Support our mission year-round by becoming a C.U.R.E. Ambassador! A C.U.R.E. Ambassador is a donor who commits to our mission through a monthly donation of his/her choosing. Whatever level you are comfortable with makes a difference!
Click here to learn more.
Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you?
Simply follow the instructions below to select "C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.
How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app
C.U.R.E. + Astral Power
We have partnered with Astral Power to give our C.U.R.E. supporters access to renewable energy! The solar energy comes from the solar farm on Washington Street in Ogden. Once you sign up, your utility will automatically credit your utility bill for being a member, saving you a guaranteed 10% of your utility costs per year.
Signing up is easy:
(1) Call Rylea (585) 402-9313 or
(2) go to:
”How Did You Hear About Us” Select “Customer Referral” and enter “CURE” in “Referred By”
Get your C.U.R.E. Gear
Rock C.U.R.E. Elite Sport Socks!
These super comfortable and supportive sport socks are HERE! What a great way to show support for C.U.R.E. and small businesses, they are made in the USA! Rock them while you are working from home or out exercising. Sandal season is over, rock these cozy socks today!
We are hoping for feedback from our Bereaved Parents Community.
Is there a safe, social activity you would like to participate in?
We would love some feedback and ideas.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Please send any messages and feedback to Laurie Streb. Click me to email.
Bereavement Group
The group will meet at 7:00 p.m. on September 1st. either via ZOOM or outside of our office at 200 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14620 (depending on the weather). Email for more information.
We are so grateful to the community for all of the wonderful donations we receive throughout the year. We could not service all the families we do without this generous support. If you or a community group you belong to is looking for something to do for a charity, please consider donating items from C.U.R.E.’s wish list so that we can continue to provide for our families:
A cure for childhood cancer, blood diseases and brain tumors!
- Gift cards for Wegmans, Tops, Wal-Mart, Target and gas cards
- Gift cards for GrubHub, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, Moe’s, Chipotle, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks
- Crafts for young adults and children
- Facial Cleansing Wipes and body wash
- Items for teens or young adults
- Fabric Markers
-Toys (Please look at our Amazon Wish Lists:
Under $20:
$20 - 50:
We ask that all items be new and recently purchased. Thank you!