August 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to the August 2020 Newsletter
C.U.R.E. is here for you.
We appreciate your patience during this time as planning is not concrete and things are changing in our environment so quickly. We hope to continue bringing you meaningful content as well as assistance to our families throughout these uncertain times. Remember, we are in this together.
September is Childhood Cancer & Sickle Cell Awareness Month…
September is a very important month to our organization. We, obviously, do our best to promote year round, but focus efforts on September even more.
There are many ways YOU can join us and raise awareness in September for Childhood Cancer & Sickle Cell Disease. Some ideas are:
Place a RED or GOLD bows outside your home. (Check this out on Amazon Smile)
Decorate the exterior of your house with RED or GOLD lights. (These gold lights can be ordered off Amazon Smile.)
Purchase a C.U.R.E. Lawn Sign for $15 at:
Take photos of your town going GOLD or RED and share them on the C.U.R.E. Facebook Page or Instagram (tag us!).
Update your social media profile picture with the C.U.R.E. Awareness month frame (stay tuned!!)
Host an apple cider stand in your neighborhood & donate the proceeds to your favorite childhood cancer or sickle cell charity.
Wear gold or red throughout the month! You can purchase an awareness ribbon to wear on your clothes here or here.
Change your ZOOM background to something that generates awareness!
Collect gift cards that we can distribute to our families.
Share your story! We are in search of childhood cancer or sickle cell advocates to share their story on our social media during September.
Purchase and sport our C.U.R.E. gear and wear it around town!
Chalk your walk! It’s still nice outside and people are active! write messages of hope on your driveway to spread awareness!
SHARE the facts and posts we post on our social media accounts with your network.
Show your Support…
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Show your entire neighborhood that you support our families and friends by purchasing one of our AMAZING lawn sign today.
Quantities are limited so go to:
to purchase a lawn sign and help spread awareness today! We have both Sickle Cell Awareness signs as well as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month signs.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Masks: designed by a Survivor!
Parent Advocate Michelle and her son Geovanni designed these awareness month masks! With every purchase, a donation is made to C.U.R.E.
Purchase your mask here.
Watch for our community coming out to support Awareness Month in September:
* The Village of Webster
* The Rundell Memorial Library
* The Rochester City Hall
* Xerox
* The Town of Pittsford
* Larry Masci Electric
* The Town of Henrietta
If your town “Goes Gold”, take a picture and share it with us at, our Facebook page, Instagram or here on our Website!
Next month we will be debuting our partnership with locally owned Riley Joy Candle Co. These candles and melts smell like fall with cozy hints of chi tea and pumpkin spice. Proceeds of these candles, melts and car freshers go to C.U.R.E.!
Stay tuned!
Bell Ringing Celebrations:
Spotlight on: Leah
About our friend…
Leah was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2018, after getting used to the routine of having to come in to get her medications in 2020 she was then diagnosed with AML. She started treatment and unexpectedly had a major surgery in the middle of her chemo treatments. She recovered well from that and August will be her last cycle of chemo, which means her last 30(or more) day stay in the hospital with her mom. She has an older sister who was able to stay with her a few times while she was admitted, and a younger brother.
Leah enjoys playing volleyball and cheerleading and she has had a ton of support throughout her journey from her teammates. She likes to color and draw and do diamond art to pass the time while in the hospital. She really loves her social media Tiktok and Instagram to keep her mind occupied while she stays in the hospital.
Programs & Resources for our Families:
If you would like to attend the Tailgate Social Hour please RSVP to Michelle at
In need of face masks?
We have been gifted filtered and unfiltered cloth masks as well as surgical masks! We have child sized cloth masks and adult sized surgical and cloth. If our families are in need of masks, please contact us to arrange getting you some! Send Adella an email if you are in need: Click me to email.
Our friends at Golisano Children’s Hospital sent us this great Toolkit to help parents explain mask wearing to their kiddos. Check it out here.
Donate blood!
Many of our children depend on blood transfusions and blood products in the course of their treatment. With the recent pandemic, blood drives have been halted. Our children are still in need of blood products. Please consider donating blood if you are well enough to. Visit to set up an appointment time. They are adhering to social distancing guidelines to fulfill the need.
You can support C.U.R.E. in more ways than you think!
(1) Follow us on social media:
Facebook page
Instagram: @curekidscancer
Twitter: @curekidscancer_
(2) Write a review about C.U.R.E. on our Facebook Page
(3) Write a blog that can be shared on our website.
(4) Contact our Parent Advocates about doing a Facebook Live or Instagram Takeover
(5) “Like”, Share or comment on our posts on social media!
More Resources from Gryt…
One of the projects that Gryt has in the works is “Tell Your Story,” where we provide a video platform that lets you share your experience; to use your voice. Gryt has interacted with many of patients over the years and is always so inspired by the
amazing people in our community. The stories of your authenticity and
relentlessness need to be heard by others who are struggling. If you’d like to show up in this way, please reach out to Gryt for
guidance on making a video.
Another tool that has been found extremely useful is Vivibot. Vivi is a spunky chatbot who will talk to you without judgement, allows you to verbalize your feelings, teaches you new skills and holds you accountable. She was created by cancer
patients for cancer patients and is available 24/7 on the GRYT Health platform.
I highly encourage you to talk to her. I believe in her ability to help you so much that anyone who starts a conversation with her in July will get a $10
Amazon gift card from Gryt- and from that group, they will pick one winner of a $250 Amazon gift card!
Imaginary Friend Society:
A cancer diagnosis is scary for anyone, but for a child it can be even scarier. They’re bombarded with terminology and procedures that are intimidating and unfamiliar. Things like radiation, hair loss, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, and surgery. Just to name a few.
That’s where the Imaginary Friend Society comes in: a cast of characters inspired by the imaginations of kids themselves. Through a series of 20 animated short films, our imaginary friends explain a wide range of complicated cancer topics in a way that kids can understand. Because the more they understand about their treatment, the less scary it will be. To learn more, click here.
Connect virtually!
GRYT Health connects patients and caregivers to others with shared experience and to information relevant to their journey.
Through the GRYT app, we’ve created a platform for people affected by cancer to connect to others with similar experiences, and to tailored information that helps our users become more aware of options specific to their needs or diagnosis – empowering them to make choices that are right for them.
Our community of patients, survivors, medical professionals, researchers and advocates across all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 100 countries worldwide have participated in almost 1,000,000 interactions to date, inspiring people to live according to their own standards.
Trust from our community is paramount to our success and something we take very seriously. We never share any of our users’ information without their explicit permission. Unlike other apps, GRYT is the first social community that is funded, built, and run by patients and caregivers where users communicate anonymously in real-time and each person is 100% in charge of what happens with their data.
July Parents’ Night Out
A wonderful time was had at our July Parent’s Night Out. Thank you to all of the families that participated and to Genesee Waterways Center for hosting it! Stay tuned for another kayak adventure in August!
Thank you to all our friends who made the 5th Annual Patrick Carr Memorial a huge success.
We had 160 golfers enjoy a beautiful day at Deerfield Country Club.
MANY sponsors and partners showed their support for our mission, but especially for our families!
We look forward to planning another fun tournament next year!
Upcoming Fundraising Events:
Thank you to Shopping for a Cause for planning this event.
The following vendors and crafters will be in attendance:
Fantasteck Nails by Kristen (Color Street)
Tastefully Simple
Paparazzi Jewelry and Accessories
Pampered Chef
Wear it Well by Angela
Perfectly Posh
S.A. Designs
Resin Park
Signature HomeStyles
Traveling Vineyard
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Chalk Couture
Peace of Mind Creations
Premier Designs Jewelry
Collaborate with friends & family; help contribute to our virtual auction!
Some theme ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- unicorns!
- Legos
- Moscow Mules
- Margaritas
- 2020 Quarantine Survival Kit
- Essential Oils/relaxation
- Movie Night In
- Taco Night
- Pizza Night
- Baking
Ride out the last days of summer in our annual Poker Run! Event kick off at Rush Creekside Inn at 10am. $15 per rider / $5 for passenger. Classic cars welcome!
Want to partner with us on this event? We are looking for raffle prizes and sponsors! Reach out to our Event & Community Coordinator, Sara Harrison via email.
We are not going to deprive our dedicated supporters of the delicious food and auction that you look forward to every year!
In partnership with the American Culinary Federation: Rochester’s Professional Chef Association, we have reimagined our Recipe for a C.U.R.E. Chef Event and will be sharing the culinary delights of these professional chefs in a Drive Thru Event on Sunday, September 27th. We hope you’ll consider Coming Through For Families. Ticket information will be available soon!
The Auction you’ve all come to love will also be made available virtually to all our friends!
Support C.U.R.E.’s mission…
Come tend to our garden!
What a great way to practice social distancing and make our Julie Roberts Children’s Memorial Garden beautiful. We could really use some help with weeding, pruning and getting our garden ready for the season. To ensure our friends are practicing proper social distancing, please sign up on our online form. Click below. Duties include weeding the front and the back gardens as well as pruning our bushes! Please also call the office if you are in need of tools or supplies. We have limited tools, but call us - we’ll chat (and basically, we miss people…so feel free to call!).
Embrace the Difference
It’s kind to #stayhome! Now more than ever the charities and organizations in our communities need our support. We’re releasing a limited edition run of new designs that support the stay at home order that is uniting our nation. A variety of tees, tanks and sweatshirts are available now in colors that will lift your soul!
For these limited edition apparel items, $10 from every purchase is donated to the participating charity of your choice.
Shop Amazon Smile!
Don’t forget to select “C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association” as your favorite charity while shopping! We get a percentage of the sale. Easy peasy!
Did you know that you can now utilize Amazon Smile on your Amazon App?! Check it out!
Purchase three car washes through the link in the button below and HELP LOCAL FAMILIES! If you typically get your car washed at Classy Chassy, Delta Sonic or LaserWash, you can give back to families all while getting a deal on your washes! Click below to learn more!
C.U.R.E. + Astral Power
We have partnered with Astral Power to give our C.U.R.E. supporters access to renewable energy! The solar energy comes from the solar farm on Washington Street in Ogden. Once you sign up, your utility will automatically credit your utility bill for being a member, saving you a guaranteed 10% of your utility costs per year.
Signing up is easy:
(1) Call Rylea (585) 402-9313
(2) go to:
”How Did You Hear About Us” Select “Customer Referral” and enter “CURE” in “Referred By”
Get your C.U.R.E. Gear
Rock C.U.R.E. Elite Sport Socks!
These super comfortable and supportive sport socks are HERE! What a great way to show support for C.U.R.E. and small businesses, they are made in the USA! Rock them while you are working from home or out exercising. Now that the weather is improving, we hope to see all our friends rocking these socks around town!
Exclusive partnership with Love Your Melon!
We have partnered with Love Your Melon to offer these EXCLUSIVE, LIMITED QUANTITY beanies! They’re one size fits most and super high quality! Support children battling cancer with your purchase: for every one hat purchased, Love Your Melon sends one to a child battling cancer!
Bereavement Corner
August meeting
Please join us for our bereavement group this month on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020. We will be hosting group, after the Brick Laying Ceremony, outside at the C.U.R.E. office’s Julie Roberts Children’s Memorial Garden (200 Westfall Rd. Rochester, NY 14620) from 7-8:30 pm. Kiersten Kunick, Michelle Magin, C.U.R.E.’s Parent Advocates & Liz Conrow (bereaved parent), will be leading this meeting. For further questions, please contact Kiersten at 585-697-4470.
Wishlist items needed…
We are so grateful to the community for all of the wonderful donations we receive throughout the year. We could not service all the families we do without this generous support. If you or a community group you belong to is looking for something to do for a charity, please consider donating items from C.U.R.E.’s wish list so that we can continue to provide for our families:
A cure for childhood cancer, blood diseases and brain tumors!
- Toys (Please look at our Amazon Wish List at: for ideas and easy purchasing.)
- Gift cards for Wegmans, Tops, Wal-Mart, Target and gas cards
- Gift cards for GrubHub, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, Moe’s, Chipotle, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks
- Musical instruments (our kiddos are BORED!! We would love to offer instruments to keep them busy while they are isolating. Used instruments are fine as long as they are in working order. Preferably no wind instruments as disinfecting would be difficult).
- Weighted blankets
- Essential oils
- Mini diffusers
- Heating pads
- Crafts for young adults and children
- Paper towels and toilet paper
- Facial Cleansing Wipes and body wash
- Items for teens or young adults
- Legos
We ask that all items be new and recently purchased. Thank you!